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Everyone saying ‘Kampai’ and it is not even an alcoholic drink that they are having, it’s a bottle of Golden Turmeric Ramune soda!! Well this is the custom that Genki and his friends have been following. The custom is named ‘FUN tonight, but FRESH tomorrow’. Most Japanese always make sure to follow the ritual of having the pre-shot of Golden Turmeric Genki Ramune before having any actual shot of alcohol. Genki likes to make sure to prevent any post drinking symptoms before they happen!
Three different turmeric extracts used in this Golden Turmeric Genki Ramune Soda will shield the liver and create a protective armour inside. These ‘all-natural ingredients’ will help prevent any negative after effects of alcohol and let Genki and his footballer friends be fresh for the training session the next morning.
Young Genki and his friends like to ‘Play hard and Party harder’ once in a while and thus when the celebrations get longer, they make sure to have a bottle of Golden Turmeric Genki Ramune after every 3-4 drinks.
Hikari our fashion diva and health and fitness influencer/blogger has also picked up this habit from her dear friend Genki. Whether partying with Genki or with her girl gang or any other friends, Hikari makes sure to down a bottle of Golden Turmeric Genki Ramune before any alcoholic drink. She always has the yoga session that she has in the morning on her mind. The pre-shot of magical golden soda helps her not miss her workout sessions and have a fresh jumpstart to the new day.
Hikari and Genki, both drink responsibly and make sure to not have any after effects the next day. They drink Golden Turmeric Genki Ramune Soda as a pre-shot, pre-drinking! Also they have heavy workout sessions to maintain their fitness level and immunity well.
Cheers to life.
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